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It Hit me Hard

Writer's picture: Naomi SukenikNaomi Sukenik

Today's blog is going to talk about how to allow emotions that aren’t wanted and then feeling bad that you had these emotions. Accept and listen to yourself and your needs and lastly, let up, don't be so hard on the fact that today wasn't the best day (for you).

We can't be expected to always be our best. Sometimes, there are things in this world that are uncontrollable. Dealing with the unknown is going to catch everybody at times. Honestly, I'm one of the lucky ones. My partner continues to have a salary, my children are having fun, I have a roof over my head and food to eat, I know how to play and let my children lead but I'm also allowed to be bummed.

I am bummed because:

  • I feel sad and anxious about what the future holds.

  • I am not an inside person- and going in my backyard doesn't cut it.

  • I am very social and love interaction. As much as I am thankful for the amount we can do through the world wide web today, I still need contact.

  • I let my kids have a lot of screens today. I feel bad about that.

  • I began Play Adventures and it has received a lot of momentum all to crash down- not because I gave up but because of this unclimbable wall COVID19 has put in front of me.

I am also ok because:

  • My kids are fine and loved. Your kids are fine too!

  • I had a talk with a few friends today and we have some cool plans to keep our brains from turning into banana mush.

  • My partner and I are very communicative and he knows when I need extra help and gives it! And then keeps looking at me asking if I'm OK or if there is something he can do. I'm lucky.

  • I built a run area for our bunny because I could not see her locked up in that cage for one more moment. (living vicariously through my bunny) and even though Shahar had no idea why this was so important to me to do at 5pm while about to rain, he went along and built it with me.

  • My oldest played minecraft with two friends in different countries and spoke with his school friends old and new on a server we set up for him. My middle daughter played dogs lost in the desert with her bestie over a video call, there was a movie at some point and they had a great day interacting virtually. My youngest and I took a nap together (I love her snuggles and it made me feel better)

  • This morning my partner, Shahar, did a great science lesson with the kids while I had a phone meeting about creating more fun content for you!

  • They played outside with their rock collection (Thank You MS Goodwin for keeping the rock interest alive and growing)

  • Play Adventures will only grow from this!

Maybe it wasn't the best day for me and my anxieties and about the unknown future weighing on me. I cried and got hugs. But putting things in perspective (and in proportion) we are doing ok and we will continue to be ok.

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