Loose Parts
Loose parts allow children to take an object that has a loosely defined purpose and use it to be anything that they want for their playing.
The difference between a toy and a loose part is if you have a toy and It breaks well the toy is broken but if you have a loose part and it breaks or rips- now you have two!
Some examples of loose parts:
PVC Pipes
Wood Pieces
Old Tires
Cardboard Boxes
Yarn, Rope or String
Old Bike Wheels
Wheel Barrows
Trash Bins
Loose Parts Gallery
More Readings on Loose Parts
"Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children"
By: Lisa Daly & Miriam Beloglovsky
I wholeheartedly agree with this: "Children usually prefer play that stimulates their curiosity and gives free reign to their imaginations and creativity. We believe that one of the best ways to enhance their natural curiosity is to introduce a wide variety of the materials we call “loose parts” into their play settings".
Loose Parts Play
By: Theresa Casey & Juliet Robertson
"Loose parts are about real world learning for all children and young people. The process both of introducing them and of playing with them involves collaboration, sharing thinking, problem-solving and decision-making where the outcome is evident – better play experiences. The impact of facilitating quality loose parts play is improved health and well-being and so a positive cycle is put in place."