Day 53 5.7.20
I keep writing that we have an opportunity to positively change our society to one that values lives, helps someone in need, and gives even when they have little themselves. One where children are seen people to consider right now and not only because they will become adults but because they are important right now. There are some friends that are in serious binds. Single parents without childcare but are essential workers, bosses who don’t care about the hardships that last minute decisions cause. Fearing to lose your job because you are deciding that you value your family more, closing down long time businesses because the loss was so great, as many are forced into early retirement. These are real decisions with serious repercussions.
As a person who knows saying my heart goes out and actually doing something are two very different things. As a person who wants to give but isn't sure how in this time. Saying I am lucky but also realizing I am privileged and have never faced the hardships a lot of the world is going through right now. I will never understand but I can show compassion, altruism and give back.
I decided to take this opportunity to point you in the direction of two articles explaining how YOU can give back.
One article is from NPR, a non profit who is consistently giving updates, fantastic journalism and ‘legit news’, who also happens to be looking for donations right now. Free speech is the first amendment unfortunately it is not free to produce and maintain.
NPR’s full article about ways to give is here:
But here is the summary:
Give Locally- The book store, the record store, the yummy restaurants and game shops, those who provide great programs for children (Play Adventures, Smarty Pants…)- all those who are struggling to keep their businesses open and alive. EAT AND SHOP LOCALLY!
Do your Homework about which organization to give to. Use research tools like Charity Navigator to assess an organization's effectiveness.
Don't assume, check in to see what needs to be donated specifically. Things may have changed!
Giving is not just your money. “You can give of your time, your talent, your treasure," says Osili. Find out how in the full article above while staying safe.
In Forbes there is an article about donating funds! Here is the link:
As someone who does not have a lot of extra funds I would much prefer to give my time and talents but if you have it and you don’t know what to do with all your funds or some of them at least… HELP OTHERS!
Giving Tuesday shouldn't be once a year or once a week. Try to make sure you are giving everyday, thoughtfully and creatively!
Shout out to Ms Noelle who is constantly doing this and expecting nothing back in return. She just wants to show her love and support. She is always coming up with fantastic ideas on how to support a friend, a partner or a local business.