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We're Hiring!

Seeking  Playworker + Volunteers

Position Overview:

Creates open-ended, child directed play opportunities using the Adventure Playground Philosophy. Provides space, time and materials for children to discover themselves, their peers and their interests by exploring through self- directed play. Collaborates with the Lead Playworker of Play Adventures to reflect and create an environment enticing to creativity, exploration and discovery. 

Essential Duties:

•    Ability to create a climate that is conducive to free play - behavior that is personally directed, freely chosen, and intrinsically motivated.
•    Offer creative materials and change the environment to support a wide range of play types and opportunities. 
•    Help unload and pack up materials in an orderly and organized fashion. Set up materials in a way conducive to free play. 
•    Demonstrate professionalism and best practice in playwork (this is a learning process)
•    Be active in the reflective process and ongoing training sessions.
•    Experience working with children in a formal or informal environment

We are looking to train volunteers and two payed staff member for the upcoming dates below.

I would like a guarantee of 3-5 possible dates as to have reliable developing staff members. The more you commit to the more likely I will want you on my team!

Volunteer Pop Up Play Days One payed staff and two volunteers 10:00-6pm (volunteers can be partial hours)

Volunteers needed for :  Sept 21, all day, Oct 4th, Oct 19, Oct 24, Oct 26, Nov 6th

Ongoing Programming Beginning with Pop Ups and we are opening in November
Staff and Volunteers needed Every Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-1pm; Every Friday 10-2pm

Copyright 2021 PlayAdventures  - Naomi Sukenik

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